

East Kern has historically been a hub for innovation in aerospace and defense. Our Aerospace Implementation Team is geographically focused in East Kern and looks to target the untapped potential of smaller, high growth firms. We are driven to ensure our regional competitiveness, defend and grow our Aerospace industry in the face of competition from other regions.

Our goals for the Aerospace industry include:

  • Establishing a true industry cluster initiative with a dedicated senior leader so we can compete with other regions and organize for joint action
  • Spurring small and midsize business commercialization through connections to existing military innovation and financing assets and programs, similar to successes in similar regions
  • Addressing policy issues related to infrastructure expansion and industry incentives at Mojave Air and Space Port
  • Pursuing a deliberate intrastate space strategy with other aerospace hubs to ensure competitiveness
  • Uniting East Kern with Palmdale/Lancaster to create scale and visibility as a globally-competitive aerospace region
  • Establishing a Talent to Industry Pipeline with the local educational community

The Aerospace Implementation Team is co-chaired by: 
Dr. David Smith, Director, United States Air Force Operating Location, Plant 42 
George Whiteside, Chairman, Space Advisory Board of Virgin Galactic

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Share your feedback on the future of energy in California.

Join B3K Prosperity and CA FWD for a Regional Energy Listening Session and provide feedback on CA FWD’s Energy Call to Action.
Thurs., Aug. 10 | 5 to 7 P.M.